The SUPREME COURT OF INDIA is the highest judicial forum in our country. To help our students understand the dignity of this Apex Court of the Country, we arranged a visit for our students to the Supreme Court. The students got the opportunity to witness the actual legal proceedings in the Supreme Court and also got to witness the submissions made in the matter of Aadhar Card before the constitutional bench of the Supreme Court On 25 September & 26 September 2018
After attending the first session of the Court hearing, students proceeded to see the CJI Court and Supreme Court Museum, where they learned about the evolution of the judiciary, the making of the Supreme Court building, the importance of the statue of Mother and Child and Dharm Chakra Logo of the Supreme Court. They were also shown a short documentary film on the history as well as the functioning of the Supreme Court, which turned out to be a fantastic experience for them. Students also visited the library and spent some quality time there. The visit was aimed at making the students aware of the functioning of the highest body of justice. It was liked & appreciated by all students. It helped encourage our students to practice fairness in the trial, which is the key to inspiring public confidence in the judicial process.