The B.S. Anangpuria Institute of Law recently organized a student visit for its students to the Supreme Court of India on February 9, 2023. The visit enabled the students to attain deep insights into varied topics pertaining to law and legal situations in our country.
The students attended the hearing in various courtrooms and took note of the diverse arguments that were going on.They also got to witness the actual hearing of matters before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and saw live hearings of much-debated matters.
Students were shown a documentary in the court auditorium, wherein they got to learn in great depth about the Supreme Court judge library. They were provided with links to access judgments, case laws, legal articles, the database of Acts, etc. Online public access catalog and details of legal journals and citations catalogwere also provided to them.
Overall, it was an enlightening experience for the students, and they got to gain great knowledge and experience from the visit.